The Editor:
This meeting is in regards to Ref:  File No. Official Plan: D01-01-17-0200, and Zoning Bylaw: D02-02-17-0097.

A sign has been posted along Devine Rd re: the zoning application for the CRRRC Waste Facility. The full application can be viewed at:

Probably the most relevant documents are posted!

There is a public meeting on the proposed amendments to the Ottawa Official Plan and Ottawa Zoning Bylaw on Thurs., Dec. 7, at the Carlsbad Community Centre at 3 p.m.

You don’t have to live in Ottawa to attend and comment or to comment online.  All comments are due by 14 Dec. 2017.

Why is it important to attend and comment?

If a person does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Ottawa before Dec. 14, the person is not entitled to appeal the final decision of the Council of the City of Ottawa to the Ontario Municipal Board.

These amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw are to be considered by the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee (ARAC) on 1 Feb. 2018 (This committee has five rural councillors) and their recommendation will be considered by the whole City Council at a later date.

In the case of the Carp dump extension, the recommendation of the ARAC committee was rubber stamped by the City Council without discussion.

If you prepare a written submission please reference the File Nos. above.

Harry Baker, Russell