Meghan Baines
RHS Reporter
RUSSELL – In honour of last week’s Computer Science Education Week, the Grades 7 and 8 students enjoyed activities for “The Hour of Code”. Kassandra Stevenson, who was programming movements for the video game Minecraft, said, “It’s really fun, but also challenging.”

Two of our Grade 11 students, Sebastian Larivee and Solomon Svenson, competed in the second round of Information and Communications Technology Council’s CyberTitan Challenge. The students had to find the flaws in operating systems, while maintaining computer functions – not to mention the fact that the challenge lasted a whole six hours! That’s pretty impressive.

The University of Ottawa is offering a new and exciting “Introduction to Engineering” lunchtime program beginning Jan. 25, here at RHS. This opportunity is open to students in Grades 7 through 10. The cost is $65, and students who sign up will have the opportunity to use and learn about new technology. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg… drumroll please… RHS is also going to be offering a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in Information and Communications Technology beginning in the 2018-2019 school year. This program will give students the opportunity to be involved in new media and technologies- so keep an eye out if you’re interested!

Finally, speaking of futuristic technology, this Friday, students will be attending opening night of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Over the last three years, it’s become a December tradition to head to a Galaxy (or Scotiabank) Theatre far, far away to check out the latest instalment in the franchise.  Can’t wait!  Fun fact: Yoda was almost played by a monkey!

That’s all for this week’s RHS report. See you next week with a full report on the Golden Globes.