Joselyn Morley
Courtesy Photo

SOUTH MOUNTAIN – Joselyn Morely, a South Mountain resident has decided to run for a seat at the North Dundas council table.

Her concerns about what the North Dundas community will look like going forward is what has prompted her to run.

She would like to see as a councillor, more transparency and accountability in the municipality.

Challenges such as food security and affordable housing are high on her list of issues she would like to be involved with as councillor.

As a former journalist, she said she has always had an interest in how the council works.

“We need to be able to open up communications between the council and residents,” she said.

She feels that residents are not always aware of the positive accomplishments of the former council, nor are they aware of some of the decisions made that residents would not always agree with.

Morley is concerned about homelessness and affordable housing.

She believes that the council can do more than it has in the past to help solve some of these issues.

“We need to tap into the experts in our own community.”

She believes the council could make good use of various committees dedicated to looking into the issues challenging the municipality.

With new housing developments coming to Hallville, Chesterville and Winchester in the near future, there will be more people with different expectations that the council will have to represent.

“We need residents on committees who are interested, who care and who are passionate about their community.”

She feels that North Dundas is growing and residents have to decide what kind of community they want. Do they want just a bedroom community or something more?

“Do we want to make sure we have small business, market gardens and small landholdings?”

Joselyn Morley can be reached at 613-989-1980 or at email: