MORRISBURG – “I’ve been in it for four years, and there’s stuff that we started in this term that I would like, if elected, to finish,” Municipality of South Dundas councillor Lloyd Wells said. “There are just a few things that I want to see through, and I just need another term to get these issues fulfilled. I’m not saying the new council, if I’m not included, couldn’t do it, but I always find it’s nice if when you start something, then you’re able to finish it.

Wells is seeking re-election, hoping to retain his position as councillor for a second term. As the owner of four businesses, Wells brings that expertise with him to the council table.

“My format for the next four years is, first of all, not wasting money,” Wells said. “I always say that being in business, there’s ways to save money, and obviously, you can waste a lot of money. With the complex budget like we have, there’s a lot of ways to save, whether it’s a dollar here or there, it adds up.”

In addition to ensuring a fiscally responsible budget, Wells said he’s concerned about the housing shortage in general, as well as the absence of low-income or geared-to-income housing opportunities. While it’s a widespread issue that upper tier governments are now looking at, Wells said he believes there are things  the local municipal government can do, as well.

“I want to find ways to maybe utilize the municipal properties that aren’t being used,” he said. “My job for the next four years is to see how much in grants we can get from the province and maybe even the federal government. So, my two main concerns are to save money wherever we can, and what I think we need right now is housing, so that’s what I would fight for.”

Wells referred to the House of Lazarus (HOL)’s local housing report and the mission’s “eye-opening” presentation to council, noting the increased need for food banks, affordable housing, and the rising percentage of the homeless. He noted the increased cases of hidden homelessness, such as couch surfing, that the average resident doesn’t see, adding that it’s not just young people, but persons of all ages, including seniors, that are facing this issue.

“There’s always money to spend on roads, water systems, sewer systems,” he said. “That’s a given. The other thing is you have to see what the community needs and as of right now, we need affordable housing for a lot of people, not just young people, but seniors.”